LAR Class Descriptions

澳门威尼斯人网址的第一年文科研讨会是一门旨在向一年级学生介绍大学水平写作的课程, 讨论, critical thinking, and critical 阅读. 教师将为每个研讨部分选择一个主题,以帮助学生学习信息研究技能, to work collaboratively, and to gain an appreciation for interdisciplinary study and multiple perspectives.


LAR 101 Course Descriptions


政治101 - 1
M/W/F 2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
JL Vertin
Taking a Stance
本次研讨会将重点培养习惯和技能,以提高通过审查几个当代和历史的争议,以建立引人注目的书面和口头辩论的具体立场辩论. 学生将参与两个密集的对过去的反应角色扮演游戏,将他们置于历史争议的时刻. In order to win these games, 学生将撰写立场论文,并参与非正式辩论和谈判. Students will also examine the current controversial social issues of immigration, 死刑, and marijuana legalization. 课程结束时,学生们将以小组形式就当前的一个社会问题进行模拟审判辩论.

政治101 - 2
M/W/F 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Embracing Challenges with Change
汽车, 电脑, 疫苗接种被誉为对人类生活产生重大影响的科学创新. 然而,这些突破从一开始就面临阻力,现在仍然面临批评. 在这门课程中,我们将学习历史上的科学发现是如何影响我们的世界的,以及我们如何利用这些经验教训来取得新的科学突破. This course will emphasize collaborative learning, interdisciplinary study, 以及对多种观点的欣赏,以便了解我们如何以建设性的方式应对变化. 学生将在“对过去的反应”角色扮演游戏中深入探索这些思想,在游戏中他们将扮演受历史启发的角色, deliver persuasive speeches, and debate controversial ideas.

政治101 - 5
M/W/F 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Rejected Rebels
Why are some people “before their time?” Some pioneering thinkers are accepted and hailed in their time, while others are mocked and marginalized. Why have some ideas, which we recognize today as obviously correct, been rejected by experts in the past? What factors led to right ideas being rejected, and what can we learn from 历史 so that we do not repeat it? 在本课程中, 我们将通过两个特定的历史事件来探讨这些问题:伽利略·伽利莱在17世纪30年代提出了太阳中心宇宙的观点, and Charles Babbage's design of a working computer in the 1830s. 我们将尝试通过激烈的角色扮演游戏来回答这些问题. You will take on historically-based roles, work with your faction, delve deeply into very important historical texts, write and make speeches, debate controversial issues (while staying in character!), participate in laboratory sessions, and try to win the game. Your performance in the game could change the course of 历史!

政治101 - 6
M/W/F 10:00am - 10:50am

政治101 - 7
M/W/F 11:00am - 11:50am
"Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose, a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." - Mary Shelley What is the purpose of a liberal arts education? What does it mean to be free? 广泛的主题将涵盖在这门课程中使用文学的镜头, 哲学, 历史, 宗教, 科学, 和政治. 在澳门威尼斯人网址, it is our stated mission to create leaders, 但是,在一个人能够负责任地领导他人之前,他的生活中需要什么呢? With help from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, 柏拉图, 坎贝尔, and many more great minds, 这些问题将被进一步探讨,以使学生对自我有一个更精确的理解,从而以开放的态度向前迈进, 警报, and truth-seeking mind.

政治101 - 9
T/Th 2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
American Experiences
We have all heard talk of the United States being "one nation under God.效忠誓词中的这句话是否真实地反映了我们所生活的国家的现实? How does the meaning of the term “American” differ in various communities? 在本课程中, we consider aspects of these broad questions while practicing critical thinking, 阅读, 写作, and 讨论 skills. 具体地说, 我们将使用各种媒体来分析和讨论拥有美国经历的意义. How are American experiences different with regard to race, 性别, military service, and other factors? 除了, 会议将关注克里特岛及其周边地区的美国人的经历,以及地方选举的重要性. By the end of this course, 学生们应该对这个国家的多样性有更高的认识,美国人的经历不止一种,而是很多种.

政治101 - 11 **NOTE: This seminar is designed for transfer students
M/W/F 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Carlos Palacios
Transition Empowerment
本课程适用于从其他机构转学到澳门威尼斯人网址并正在适应澳门威尼斯人网址及其文化的学生. 本课程将涵盖与学生发展相关的众多领域,并涵盖拥有文科教育的意义. We will also work on skills related to student success such as: note taking, time management, financial literacy, 和健康. Students will be exposed to books, 文章, 嘉宾演讲的中心主题是做一个完整的学生,找到成功所需的工具. 领导力的各个方面将贯穿整个课程,以及良好的领导力原则如何有助于个人成功. 每个学生都将有机会探索和确定在澳门威尼斯人网址找到成功意味着什么, 及以后.

政治101 - 12
M/W/F 9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
人们对周围世界的感知受到环境和经历的影响和影响. 在本课程中,学生将阅读回忆录和小说,探讨作者对中国身份和政治压迫等问题的经历和思考, 俄罗斯, 阿根廷, 和伊朗. 除了, 学生将审视和反思自己从高中到大学的过渡,并培养他们成功的大学经历所需的技能.

政治101 - 13
M/W 9:00am - 10:15 a.m.
Climb Upward, Inward, & 向外
From Amanda Gorman's The Hill We Climb and Don Ziegler's The College on the Hill, 学生将想象并将澳门威尼斯人网址的大学经历融入到参与世界的实践框架中. This seminar will be an experience that stretches, 鼓励和创造开放讨论的空间,以及关于平衡威尼斯人官网和社会变化的挑战的反思性写作.

政治101 - 15
T/TH 2:30-345pm
“I’m in my Doane Era”
An Era is a “memorable and important time in your life” (Munson, O., 2024).
在本课程中, students will explore who they are as they enter Doane, what they bring to Doane from their experiences, family of origin, and towns they came from. 我们将研究一系列当前的话题,这些话题构成了他们在Doane的“时代”,包括社会事件, political events, cultural shifts, 校园活动, 并强调每个学生在澳门威尼斯人网址第一学期的成功. 宿舍生活, 学术生活, 在此期间,我们将从这些事件如何塑造我们的角度来讨论. We will focus on concepts of capacity building, 归属感, ownership of who we are, expanding our awareness, learning to lead, the importance of service, and embracing that our time at Doane is a time for growth. Students will learn from several texts, open 讨论s, small presentations on assigned topics, and guest speakers to help shape our conversations.

T/Th 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
You've Made it to College. 现在?
本课程的重点是在澳门威尼斯人网址找到最好的体验, 在学习如何创造一种支持心理健康的平衡生活方式的同时,每个学生都有独特的不同. What are your expectations? What are the expectations of your professors, coaches, advisors, etc.? What are your career goals? How will your experience at Doane University reflect your career goals? How does all of this relate to a healthy lifestyle? 这门课程不仅会给你灌输积极的习惯和技能,帮助你在学业和个人上取得成功, but assist you in your journey throughout your entire Doane University experience. Students will be exposed to books, 文章, 视频, 嘉宾演讲的中心主题是做一个完整的学生,找到必要的工具,在课堂内外取得成功. 每个学生都将有机会探索和确定在澳门威尼斯人网址找到成功意味着什么, 及以后.